"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one."
- Marcus Aurelius

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First success story: My first patient

My first patient contaced me in the end of January, 2023.
He was determined to fix his chest deformity, which was an asymmetrical pectus excavatum (towards the right side) with a 33mm deep dent.
He was 36 years old, and found me through my first youtube video.


At this time I was still working on the devices, I’ve had to order materials, but in May of 2023 he received the braces and the vacuum bell.

These devices were in an early stage of development.
I’ve literally had to rework, and redesign all of them, not even once.
He gave me a lot of insight as time wnt by and his experience grew, and also he had great, creative ideas how to solve some of these flaws.


He has a willpower made out of steel.

He used the braces 20+ hours every day, together with intermittent usage of the vacuum bell.
He followed the daily strict training regime too, and the desired results came as time went by.

As it turned out, he had spinal deformity (scoliosis) too, and as his indent started to come up his spine started to straighten too.

Besides the physio type of training what I’ve required him to do, he also hit the gym 6 times a week and gained muscles mass too meanwhile he fixed his chest deformity.

By January of 2024, we can declare that his Pectus Excavatum disappeared.

His 33mm indent is now immeasurable.

His scoliosis also got resolved too.

At this stage (this is written in January of 2024) altough his indent is gone, our work is not done yet.

We need to keep his progression, so he doesn’t regress at all.

Also, we are aiming for perfection, so some minor asymmetricities between the two sides of his chest are still worked on.

He still uses the devices and he also trains, but he’ll slowly start to taper down with everything, so he can leave the devices and training behind, and can live his life to the fullest, without having a chest deformity and without having a fear of regression.

Surgeries won’t just get tremendous amounts of pain for years, and scars for life, but also you are risking your life for something what might regress back completely.

“Western medicine” doesn’t solve the roots of the problem. You get an instant result by the treatment of the symptom, with a high probability of regression, with still having ribflaring and spinal deformities, together with corrupted breathing and bad posture.

The PectusConnectUs method is the opposite, a holistic approach.

These problems, the ribflaring, the spinal deformities, the inadequate breathing and bad posture are treated simultaneously with the chest deformity.


Check out his entire progression, 4 weekly:

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